Most of our time as Lady-Links is spent visiting our dear friends, those ladies in our community who have some type of cognitive decline. We engage them in activities they can enjoy such as making crafts. Occasionally there are craft packets that are left over and we throw those into our “odds and ends” pile. When we get several of these random assortments, we know what to do…we have a craft party and invite our Lady-Links to work together to finish the projects.
It’s fun to get together for any occasion, but making crafts brings out the creative side of us which adds to the fun! This event spanned all seasons…from 4th of July to Christmas and everything in between! It was a great way to spend a morning.
Not only did we have a wonderful time together, but we managed to make some cute crafts that will be given to our dear friends at the appropriate time of the year!
The Lady-Links care for one another and for our dear friends. Putting “odds and ends” together was a perfect way to show that we care while having fun at the same time.
Separately these “odds and ends” didn’t have much value. But together, they made a delightful assortment that will be a joy to give to our dear friends. Don’t discount the little odd things that come into your life. Those can become a source of joy if you willing to put some time and effort into incorporating them in a creative way into your life’s journey.