Lady-Links: A Walk to Help End Alzheimer’s


The Lady-Links participate in our community’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s every year because we believe that the funds collected for research will lead to a cure in the near future.  Our dear friends, those sweet ladies in various stages of cognitive decline that we visit weekly, deserve to have answers to their questions about Alzheimer’s and other related dementias.  Funding for research is essential in providing those answers and finding a cure.

The ceremony began with the presentation of a check from our community to the Alzheimer’s Association.  The total today is $91,000.  That is an amazing amount collected and we’re not through yet!  Even more money was added today and will continue to be added in the next few months.

Today, the Ring of Champions Plaza was unveiled, recognizing those benefactors who gave generously toward the goal of finding a cure and allowing them to have a brick engraved with wording of their choice.

It was a surprise and an honor to see a brick dedicated to the Lady-Links by one of the major benefactors, the husband of our very first dear friend.

The Walk was well attended and raised awareness of the need for funding to find a cure.

There were many reasons to celebrate!

It’s an honor to be a part of a group effort to bring peace and love while getting close to finding a cure.

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