Lady-Links: A Fresh Start Every Time

A good start to any event helps with the success of that event.  But what happens when the timelines begin to run together and the start and finish lines blur? That’s the feeling that many of our dear friends have as they journey through their walk with various stages of cognitive decline.  When time stretches out and there’s no definition to the days, a visit from the Lady-Links can make a difference.  It’s all in how we start!

Start Here……..

Our visits start with an attitude of cheerfulness, a plan of engagement, and the confidence that we will make a positive difference starting from the moment we enter our dear friend’s home.  Not only do we have a good start to each visit, but we give each dear friend a fresh start by helping her change her perspective even if it is only for a short while.

A fresh start…rejuvenates, reconnects, recharges and renews our spirits.

We plan for ways to engage our dear friends that will refresh their spirits and ours too!  Take, for example, something as simple as scarves….it’s fun to look at the design of colors, patterns and textures….and to talk about how to wear them.  Plus that inspires memories of when we wore them and what we were doing at the time.

Suddenly, we have a fresh start….a new focus of attention, a new memory brought to life that was previously forgotten,  and a new connection of similar ideas and trends we all enjoy.

A fresh start can give a boost of energy and enthusiasm as well.  Our dear friends engage in our activities with an increased level of motivation and joy according to their spouses and/or caregivers.  We’ve seen that for ourselves….the smiles, the body language, the twinkle in their eyes… let us know that our visits are providing a fresh start regardless of what has happened previously in the day.  Whether it is with a scarf or a Precious Moments collectable, the Lady-Links know how to bring joy to each visit that fills their dear friend with an eagerness to be a part of a group experience.

When the visit ends, we have been told that the positive feelings and improved attitudes of our dear friends will linger long after we’re gone.

A fresh start….a way to begin again regardless of what happened previously.  Cognitive impairment brings many challenges to the lives of our dear friends and their families. From one day to the next, even from one hour to the next, they are faced with difficulties of daily living.   What a joy it is to bring a way to rejuvenate, reconnect, recharge and renew their spirits with a fresh start. One day there will be an end to Alzheimer’s and related cognitive issues, but until then, the Lady-Links will bring a fresh start to each visit we make.





  1. Jim Atkins says

    You and your band of Angels are amazing!!!! 🤩❤️

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