Lady-Links: Creating Crafts Has Benefits

Creating something gives us a sense of accomplishment plus it’s a great way to engage in an enjoyable activity with friends.

When the Lady-Links visit their dear friends, those ladies in our retirement community in various stages of cognitive decline, making crafts is a favorite activity.  Not only does the visit produce a finished product, but just working together gives a spirit of camaraderie, team work, and togetherness. In a social setting while working on crafts, the Lady-Links engage their dear friends in conversation related to the crafts.  Favorite memories are shared, usually with much laughter and love.

Socialization is so important for those with cognitive issues because it has been found to support brain health. Our crafts involve thinking creatively, making connections, and completing a task that contributes to the whole project.

Working on crafts brings stress relief.  How can we focus on what’s worrying us when we’re making such colorful, cheerful crafts?  We find that these craft visits put us all in a happy mood!  The crafts with a Fall and Thanksgiving theme are some of our favorites, reminding us to be thankful for what we have.  As Lady-Links, we are thankful for many things, but especially for our dear friends and their families who welcome us into their homes for our visits.

The Lady-Links wish our dear friends, their families, and you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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