Lady-Links: Travel Time Memories

Travel time memories are great ways to connect with our dear friends.  Most of us have something in common about traveling whether it’s the destination we share or the way in which we got there.  These “links” are fun to discover as we recall places we’ve been and things we’ve seen.

Recently some of our Lady-Links made a return visit to a dear friend to follow up on adventures to destinations they had in common.  Thanks to our Lady-Links who are good listeners and look for ways to find shared experiences, we had fun talking about trips to the Grand Canyon and to Norway…places that everyone had visited.

Cards, pictures, souvenirs, and newspaper articles….all brought back memories of our activities there.

At our Lady-Links Show and Tell visits, we have our own method of “Arm Chair Travel” that makes for a great time whether or not we decide to leave home again.


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